ESTEEM: Engage stakeholders through a systematic toolbox to manage new energy projects

Step 2: Vision building

2.4. Stakeholders future visions

Knowing stakeholders expectations and visions about the project and its future is an essential aspect of the ESTEEM methodology. Two possible ways are envisaged: conduct individual interviews or organise a collective meeting with selected representatives of stakeholders (step 2.3).

During these interviews/ meeting, stakeholders will be asked to react to project manager vision and expectations that will be presented to them in the form of the social network map, title and synthesis writing previously formalised (step 2.2).

Role of the stakeholders future visions in the wider ESTEEM process

The stakeholders’ future visions will help project managers formalise and identify main project stakeholders visions and expectations. Comparing the stakeholders’ and the project manager visions enables the ESTEEM consultant to identify main convergence and divergence points and to start reflect upon major potential issues for the project future



Learn about the process of substep 2.4

Download a detailed description of how to construct the stakeholders future vision

Download tool

Download a social network map template


Download the stakeholders future vision of the SmartH project, Iceland and Jühnde project, Germany